The absurd, weird universe of zio.

Eric having to focus on the hand every once in a while had some table or glass smashed into him! He kept trying to block both the hand and the table but as he saw two steel bars bent and sharp he had to make a choice! So he flung around and the other wall demons hand caught his arm! As he had to use his one right arm, he reeled back and twisted his upper body, his fist turned into a flat hand as now he smashed it into the bent bars sticking out that were aiming right for his guts! His palm smacked the bars bending them to the side! They slides against his torso and ripped his shirt, some blood came out as the bars broke the skin of Eric, as now he instantly twisted he smashed his fist into the giant fingers clasped around his arm! He kept barraging it over and over and over!

As the arms now lifted ready to smash him into the bent bars but before they could the finger busted, blood shot out lubricating the hold and loosening it! He yanked his arm out as both hands stood in shock he now smashed both his fist into the hand holding him barraging it over and over with no break! The hands finger busted seconds on impact, as now the hands lift back reeling into the walls! Eric smacked his hands on the creature which shot him out the grip! He now curls in a ball, he smashed through one barely standing table and rolled across wood chips metal and broken tile, he quickly got up and stumbled holding his side... He now turned to the kitchen door and began to bolt to it! Just then the walls cracked splitting rapidly as now from the wall beside the door on the right bursted into cracks the gray demonic figure launched out towards him!

Eric now lifted his lurching body and twisted his fist before smashing it right into the face of the creature! As his fist plunged the monster grabbed hold of his wrist and his feet smashed into the floor and he twisted Eric around! He flung Eric back somewhat, rolling across the floor for a few seconds before launching himself up again! The creature bursted forth at him and swings it's arm at his face, Erick backs up as it grazes his burnt bloody nose and twists his arm out he now rockets it into the gut of the monster! The monster flung his arms out, his claws smacked the chin of Erick and his blasted off the ground for a second, as Erick holds his hit chin mid air the monster lunges it's hands to grasp his foot, Erick began to rapidly smash his heels into the hand, instantly snapping the wrist the monster now lurched forward due to his force of the swing and fell face first, Erick now landing quickly rushed towards the kitchen door! The monster jerked it's ripped open face up, spewing black goo spurted out it's hesd as it pushes its self back up and rushes after Erick! the raging monster screams:


Erick just kept bolting to the kitchen door! He twisted and punched it open, he turned his hand and smacked it back closed, the monster followed seconds.later smashing through the door his face healed it seemed, as now Erick stomped his foot to the ground sliding .. he was hurting.. he was bloody.. he wanted to just drink his love water.. he coughed and looked at the creature, the creature looked back, both glaring at each other...
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