The absurd, weird universe of zio.

Grande looks at you with his same dead expression, he says:

"surely you know I got a right too?"

Buchi states: "Ugh!, No actually you don't-- and don't call me Sherlly!!"

"Oh sorry.. you prefer Margret?" He replies

Just then Grande's nose felt a hard flick, it barely hurt but it sucked! He knew exactly who did this.

"Really Buchi? Using your powers to release your anger on me? Can't be a man and actually fight?"

He just glares at Grande! Lurching his upper body over the counter, his hand coming out what looked to be some opening in the wall in a circular shape! From the second it was opened in the wall nothing was inside the hole like portal but darkness as it zapped shut closing! Buchi slowly places his hand against the counter continuing to glare at Grande, that's when Buchi's face snapped to a completely different expression, one of satisfaction and glee!

"Wow are you that happy you flicked my nose?"

"NO, I just realized why your always having that dead expression!!- your high! Your high on drugs hah!!"

. . . . .

"Says the guy that ate paint chips as a kid"

"HAhahah!!-- oh Grande oats and paint chips are two completely different things!"

Grande replies: "Yeah? So are colorful beads and sugar puffs.."

"Eh?" Buchi was utterly confused! Grande just turns and begins working, Buchi sighs and sucks in some air and blowing it out his mouth he scratches his spiky fluffy hair and then decided it was time to do what he was born for: Be a slave to society! He pushes off the counter and starts washing dishes with the slight less pissed of Incubo, there was so many, infact he spent half the shift just doing dishes with Incubo, sometimes taking orders on and off!