Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The absurd, weird universe of zio.

CHAPTER 2: "We live in a society.."

Ah... The day comes to a near end, as Buchi is just washing his dishes as usual erDICK barges in saying: "Buchi, need help with the tables!" Buchi sighs and and pulls his hands out the hot dirty water he begins to rapidly flail them in the air water flinging all over!

Grande looked over at this pathetic childish action, a strong cringe moved over his face as he watched the most sad attempt he's ever seen in his life!

"You know.. paper towels exist for a reason.."

"YEAH?- pfft, I think we All know that one Grande, i mean wh- I'm doing something wrong to you ain't i?" Buchi replied as he continues shaking his nearly dried hands!

"You take the paper towel... You firmly grasp it... You put it on the wet area... You firmly press down on said wet area... You wipe or pat wet area... And the little spill goes bye bye, think you can handle that?"

"Think you can handle shutting your mouth for two seconds?" Buchi says now walking out to the tables. Even though Grande knows Buchi would never hear him he still replies: "Can you can handle being a functioning organism for two seconds?"

Buchi marches outside with a single piece of sticky note and a ink pen, determined to get the fuck out and go home to practice his karaoke skills! He approached a emo looking female who lurched over her counter she was frantically writing in her note book that was all black, the title of the book said: "Fuck you book" Buchi watched for exactly 1 millisecond before her eyes snapped to his, she then said....

"Oh? You stare at me? You stare at I, I'm a raven in this sanctuary filled of red Jay's, for I a troubled soul have attracted you, a mere peasant.."

. . . .
Buchi now slammed his sticky note to the table, he took his ink pen and began to press it to the yellow page!! He now stared forth into her eyes and stated: "What do you want to order?" She now looked, her gaze snapped into a unforgivable glare of hatred as she now perked her head high she now pressed her pin to her note book and said: "you dare have your eyes casted at mine? You mortal, you foolish human, I will break you down if you dare stare again! Ooh, how I despise your kind." Buchi now grinded his teeth in excitement he couldn't wait to impress the world with his kareoke skills! The goth woman looked with a glare and sickness in her face, she pressed her own into her note book before lifting it and launching her hand out, a black and white blur flung within what seemed a instant, her hand pointed at his face, her pen inches from his eye!

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