Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Stormy Skies

Hi, I’m the creator of this story/game and would just like to preface this with a few things!

First, all art, writing, characters, etc are owned by me, made by me, etc. You are free to make fanart, fanfiction, other fan works and so on, but I own the rights to the original work, characters and art.

This was pretty heavily inspired by Undertale, but does NOT take place in the same universe and is not an Undertale fanfic or anything.

There may be sensitive themes, particularly descriptions of death and violence. If these upset you, I’d suggest turning away from this one.

The art accompanying this story is very simple and quick lineless art, which is not my usual style, but I felt like it’d give this story something more unique, make it quicker for me to produce and also this site has a 350x350 size limit on images so that kind of limits the detail I can put in anyway.

With that said, please click Continue to begin your journey!

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