Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Stormy Skies

You slowly open your eyes, letting out a small groan. How long have you slept for? You couldn’t tell. You can’t remember when you slept. You look up at the sky…wait, the sky?

You’re sure you weren’t outside before. But here you are, the blue, clear sky above, the feeling of soft, summer grass against your fur…

Fur. What are you talking about? You’re a human, not an animal. So why does it feel so much like fur between your skin and the grass? You raise your hands in front of your face. They’re paws, one cream, one brown, both with light pink paw pads. Like a cat.

You stand up, on your two legs. At least you’re on two legs. But your legs are covered in the same cream and brown fur and end with two paws. You turn your head behind you and see a thin, furry tail.

Try not to freak out, try not to freak out, you keep telling yourself, whispering below your breath. It’s just a dream, you’ll wake up back home in your bed soon. You pinch yourself. You don’t wake up. You try again, again. This isn’t a dream. You’ve turned into a cat.

You have 1 choice:

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