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Weeks later, you return to the supermarket. It’s even worse than before. Security guards stand at all doors counting each person's supplies.
You know you must not be greedy so you enter and place a can of soup and one can of tuna in your basket. Staring at the tiny size you decide to add one more can of tuna as well.

Whilst going through the checkout, a guard spots your second can of tuna. Without explanation they grab you by the arm and escort you outside.
“You are under arrest for violating the rules”, he snarls.

A car arrives only minutes later and takes you to the local police station. They take your picture and shove you into the holding cell.
A man lays sprawled out on the bench.
He lifts his head and asks. “So what did you do?”. You explain your story and he laughs, “What has the world come to?”. You don’t see the funny side. You ask him why is here and he replies. “Not following safety protocols and maintaining distance from others or some garbage like that” he chuckles.
The guy starts rambling “I don’t see what the big deal is, I’m perfectly health-
But cuts himself off by beginning to cough. He coughs and coughs, and you inch further and further away until you’re standing in the furthered corner.
The day comes to an end and you’re still in the cell.

Throughout the night your cell mate's condition worsens, but the guards don’t care.
You wake up the next day, the guy on the bench isn’t moving, you inch a little closer. Until you notice the rash covering his entire upper body- it’s the virus.
You leap back and shout and the top of your lungs. But it’s too late, minutes later the bright red rash has appeared on your hands.

You perish in your cell the next day.

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