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English Project Choose Adventure

You step beyond the castle's walls and venture into the plain of grass beyond the nation's capital. You wade through the endless field of grass towards where you were told the emergency location would be. The grass surrounding the area seemed... less than lively. You've come to the conclusion that the grass must have been flattened by a large group of animals.

Being so far from the walls, you know of only a few predatory groups living in the ecosystem. As it dawns on you that there may be predators causing the emergency, you hear the roar. A lion stakes claim to the emergency area, and within its mouth is the bones and flesh of the emergency victim. Faced with this option, you look to your exit path and find the path noticeably wider.

Surrounding your exit path are Hyenas, preying on the remains of the Lion's dinner.
As a trained guard you know the situation cannot be resolved.
How will you survive to report this emergency?

(Image "Grass" by James Jardine, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)