Liviah's Choose Your Own Adventure

You make the somewhat wise decision to eat everything you can shove into your mouth. You eat ice cream, you eat pound cake, you even eat fruit. And it's all very delicious. You go and sit down at a table with your friends to eat. You have lovely conversations. A few minutes go by and it's now time to return to the beit am for the rest of the talent show. You and your friends get up and throw away your trash, then you head back to your comfy spot in the beit am. You feel so great knowing that you've already performed and don't need to be worried or anxious or anything and you can just have a fun time with your friends. You have a really good time in your little cuddle puddle with your friends, watching everyone show off their talents. When the talent show is over, it is about 11:00. So you say goodbye to the friends that aren't in your bunk and you head to back to your own bunk. Please discuss this before you go on. Do you...