Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Escape From Hell Asylum

You run down the hall of the hospital screaming to be left alone as fear flows through your blood as you feel your heart pound through your chest.

"Leave me alone!!!!" you scream in horror looking for a way out.

You run to a door but it is locked! You look back and see a dark image calling out to you. You turn and run faster down the hall trying every door you come across but every door is locked. You can't figure how every door is locked, you had to get in here somehow but how do you get out. You run down to the end of the hall to a dark wood door that you see is your only hope. You turn around and see the darkened imagage folling you close behind. You can see blood dripping from it's eyes. Then you hear the faint voice, "It has all come to an end, you are a part of us now, come....come be with us. FOREVER!"

You yank on the door and it opens!