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An Island Adventure

You head off towards where the rumbling noise came from, with the Bigfoot enthusiast streaking ahead and scouting the area like some kind of shite hawk, and you soon come to a clearing amongst the trees.
The Bigfoot enthusiast scoops down to the ground, wiping his fingers in something, and stands up triumphantly.

"Bigfoot scat!"

"Ew," you all mutter, stepping backwards from the man and his smelly fingers.

"No, don't be like that," he says, stepping forwards and waving his fingers at you in a provocative manner. "Sniff my fingers!"

Suddenly, from behind him, you see the foliage being flattened as a huge shape lumbers forward.
It can't be... it is...

"BIGFOOT!" the enthusiast yells, spinning around and falling to his knees in reverence. "I bow down to thee, my new hairy overlord!"