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An Island Adventure

You and your fellow survivors fall silent as you watch the enthusiast and the Bigfoot.

The Bigfoot looks down at him, the hairy beast's brow furrowed, and reaches down
His big hairy hand runs through the enthusiasts hair and the beast makes strange mewling noises.
Looking up, the enthusiast smiles.
The Bigfoot grins a big toothy grin and picks the enthusiast up, placing him over his shoulder, and turns his back to you all.

You go to say something but the enthusiast calls out to you.

"It's ok!" he shouts, smiling. "I'm going to stay here with Bigfoot. I looked into his eyes, he looked into mine, and there is a real connection, you know? As if I could almost hear his thoughts in my head. I think it's love. So, I'm going to go with him and see where this goes. Good luck getting off the island! I hope he's gentle with me..."

His voice fades away as the Bigfoot lumbers off into the trees until all that is left is a sense of bewilderment between you all.
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