Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

~*articulate what forever smoulders*~

A quick rustle on your desk later and you've come up with two fine implements of destruction that should serve your purposes quite well: a silver-plated, maple-leaf-backed Zippo lighter your Uncle Lester bought you for your seventeenth, and a slim cane-sword you purchased rather clandestinely from the rennaisance faire when no one was looking.
With a flourish and the berzerker cry of "LET'S SEE YOU RENDER FIRE, COMPUTERBOY!", you sweep over your desk with your zippo in a flaming arc, setting the reams of undone homework and bored doodles into instant flame. The wooden desk smokes and cracks, and sparks flare out, licking at the carpet and wallpaper. Your sword flashes out in a bright strike of steel, and your stuffed animals are swiftly impaled on its end and fed into the blaze that was once your desk. Electrical sparks feed the fire, as your desk lamp is readily consumed and the blaze creeps quietly to your bedsheets.
Soon, what hasn't been slashed is ablaze, and your room is almost completely engulfed in fire. The stairs down are still open, however, should you want an avenue of escape.