Soul Eater: The Meister Witch and the Weapon?

Once class was dismissed for physical education, Sid stopped Serana and Draugr to chat with them very quickly.

Captain Sid Barrett: What the hell! Were you trying to kill Black Star?


Draugr Askr: Trust me...If Serana wanted to kill him, he'd already be dead…

SB: I misread the room is all! I hope he's alright…

Cap. SB: And might I ask, how on earth are you that strong, really?

SB: Well...You see...My blood isn't your normal run-of-the-mill blood...My blood, along with my father's, grants me superhuman strength, speed, endurance, and durability...Among some other possible uses…

Cap. SB: To what degree?

DA: She got ganged up on by a pack of berserkers and beat them without breaking a sweat, virtually unscathed…

Cap. SB: Damn! Really?! Those bastards are a serious pain in the ass when they are alone, but in a pack?!...I can't even imagine...

SB: Ah, it was nothing! If they were smarter, they would have hightailed it when I ripped their pack leader clean in half...Heck, they should have run for the hills when they saw my soul! Most other Kishin Eggs do…

Cap. SB: Well...That's all I had to say...Head on over to the gymnasium…

SB: Yes sir Mr. Barrett sir!

DA: I guess it's time to get physical...

[While the two joined their class for P.E, Black Star began to awaken in the Dispensary]

Black 🌟 Star:[Groaning] Uuuh...What happened…? I feel like I got hit with a sledgehammer…

Tsubaki Nakatsukasa: Thank goodness you're alright!...Princess Serana sucker punched you straight to the blackboard…

Dr. Medusa: It seems that her punch gave you a mild concussion…


TN: That's all he took away from that...Anyways, it's good to see that you're alright...Right now, I should really be going to P.E…

BS: It's P.E. already?! Perfect!...One of the perfect places to beat those two…

Dr. M: You aren't going anywhere in your condition just yet, Black Star...Not until your brain stops swelling…

BS: Thanks Doc, but I'm all better now![He gets up] A few blows can't keep me down![Heading for the door] Come on Tsubaki! Let's go kick some...butt...Why the heck is the room spinning like crazy…?


[Black Star collapsed]


Dr. M: I told him…

[After bringing Black Star back into bed]

Tsubaki. Can you wake Black Star up so he won't slip into a coma?

TN: Of course![She transformed her forearm into a blade resembling her Ninja Blade Mode]


BS:[Shocked awake] AAAAAH! TSUBAKI!

Dr. M: It's alright Black Star...I asked Tsubaki to wake you up so you don't fall into a coma…[With a large, wrapped ice pack] Now put this against the part of your head that's throbbing...With any luck you'll be fit for discharge by lunch…

BS:[Grabbing the ice pack. Reluctant and monotone] Yes Dr. Medusa…

TN: I guess I'll see you around lunch...See you then, Black Star…[She heads over to the gymnasium]

Dr. M: Now...I feel the need to let you know that you also had swelling in your cheek earlier...You were mumbling about "The New Kids", in your sleep…

BS: Really?!!...Man...That's embarrassing…

Dr. M: If I may say something, Black Star…

BS: Sure thing, Doc!

Dr. M: In other schools, students would call one another out to fight in the middle of lunch, in front of everyone to establish a set time for said fights…

BS: Really?! They do?!

Dr. M: Yep! And if all else fails, they call for fights after school…

BS: Wow! Thanks for the advice Doctor Medusa! In the meantime, I'll focus on healing up and coming up with fight strategies to keep me busy!

Dr. M: Excellent Black Star! In the meantime I have some paperwork to go through...If you need anything, just let me know!

BS: Sure thing!

[As "Doctor" Medusa was sitting at her desk, she contemplated the new person of her interest]

Dr. M:[In her personal thoughts](Black Star may be a boastful brat, but he's no stranger to scrape ups...That Yggdrasil weapon must have some serious tricks under his sleeves...But that Kishin-Witch hybrid girl...She's something I'd never think to be even possible...With just a few more newtons of force, she would have cracked his head, or at least give him some hairline fractures...I should have stolen more than that Warlock's arm...Maybe then I wouldn't have had to waste all that effort on Crona and Ragnarok...Still...The marrow in his arm is more than perfect for refining his blacken blood into Black Blood...Given enough time and resources, I could make an army of Black Blooded servants...So long as Circe* doesn't betray me and turn them against me...As much as I don't trust her, her island is the perfect place to hide such a valuable asset...Especially from the Witch Order...I should keep a close eye on that Kishin girl...She could prove to be a valuable subject for research…)

[Back in P.E, Tsubaki enters the girls locker room to change with her fellow female peers]

Maka Albarn: Tsubaki! You're back! How's Black Star doing?!

SB: Please tell me that he's alright! I feel so guilty for what happened to him, I won't be able to sleep at all knowing if he's badly injured!

TN: He's not that bad...Just a mild concussion…

SB: Oh, thank goodness! I feel terrible for suckerpunching him! Do you know of a way I can make it up to him?

TN: Besides fighting him, nothing's coming to mind…

MA: We should just get ready for our lesson…

TN: Good point.

SB:(Maybe I should hold back a little…)

Mira Naigus: Come on ladies! 10 minutes till lineup!

[Meanwhile, in the boy's locker room]

Soul "Eater" Evans:[To Draugr] So...What exactly did you gouge out your eye for?

DA: That's not what I did...I ripped out my eye and dunked it into Mímisbrunnr, had it reattached, and voila! Knowledge out the wazoo, plus the ability to see into the past and possible futures…

Kilik Rung: At what cost?

DA: I can't see the present with it, rendering me blind in this eye…

Ox Ford: Lord almighty! It better be worth it…

DA: Trust me...It is...From reconnaissance, to seeing hot girls…

Havar D. Eclair: Hot girls?! Details please!

DA:[Chuckles] It's range isn't limited to my location...But it does come more easily the closer I am...I can see into many, many places…

SE: What about if they're in the bathroom? Or naked in their rooms?

DA: No...It'd distort full-on nudity...And there's almost no reason to look into the bathrooms...Buuut...I can see how people look when they're younger or older…

SE: Like Maka?! Tell me...Is she gonna be a walking board-flat chick her whole life?

DA: Not at all...Come three years, she'll be very attractive and voluptuous…

SE: I find that hard to believe…

DA: Anyone got a sheet of paper?

Hero: I think I have some…[Hands over a thin stack]

DA:[With paper in hand] Alright...Let's see now…

OF: You can turn your fingers into pencils?!

DA:[Writing with his pencil fingers] Let's just say that Tsubaki isn't the only weapon with tricks up her sleeve and leave it at that...There![He hands it over to Soul]

SE:[Baffled] WHOA! Maka! You don't look half bad in the future…

KR: Can you do Thunder!?!

[Everyone glared at him in disgust]

What!?! A man can't be curious!?


KR: Fire's right behind me, is he…

Everyone:[Nods yes]


KR:[Engulfed in flames. Screaming in pain] AAAHAHAAA!!! FIRE, I'M SORRY![He runs into the showers]

DA: Ya know what?...No more future portraits…

[After the boys and girls finished getting ready, they were lined up to receive their instructions for today's lesson]

Cap. SB: Alright everyone...Today's going to be an old favorite of some of yours...Obstacle course...As always, you all have 45 minutes to complete the course and keep you all limber, flexible and agile…

Mira Naigus: Remember! This exercise is here to test your transversal of otherwise difficult terrain and structures...This exercise is both to train your proficiency in a pursuit, as well as your proficiency in tactical retreats…

Cap. SB&MN: Ready?!...And...GO!


[Serana jets throughout the course, past every obstacle with the utmost ease. So fast and graceful, that everyone, except Draugr, stood slack jaw, staring at her as she raced through the Obstacle Course. She was just about finished around the 3:40 mark]

SB: Aaand TIME!

Cap. SB:[Speechless. Staring at her]...

SB: I said TIME!

Cap. SB:[Snapping out of it] OH! Uh...3 minutes 55 seconds…

MN: That's a new record...She beat Black Star's record…

SB: What was Black Star's record?

DA:[â…” of the way into the course. Yelling aloud] 5 minutes flat!

Cap. SB: He's gonna lose it when he finds out…

MA: Uhh, Sid! Should the rest of us start over?

Cap. SB: Yeah...Uh...The rest of you can start over…

MN: Shouldn't we wait until Draugr finishes?

Cap. SB: Yes...He's almost done anyways…

[To Draugr finishing the course]

DA:[Heavy breathing] So...What's my time?

Cap. SB: 4 minutes, 51 seconds…

DA: So...I still beat Black Star's record...But barely…

MN: Take 5 you two...You've earned it…

SB: Oh! Uh...Okay…

DA:[Heavy breathing] Don't have to tell me twice…

[Meanwhile, in the Dispensary]

BS: Hey, Doc Medusa?

Dr. M:[In the middle of her work] Yes, Black Star?

BS: You wouldn't happen to know what we're doing today for P.E, would you?!

Dr. M:[Thinking aloud] Hmmm...Let's see...Oh, right! Today's another Obstacle Course run!

BS:[Shocked] THE OBSTACLE COURSE!?! THAT'S LIKE MY FAVORITE ONE![Pressing a bunch of ice packs onto his head] C'MON STUPID HEAD! STOP THROBBING ALREADY!!!

Dr. M: Take it easy Black Star, there will be another time...Besides, the Gauntlet is coming up soon…

BS: The Gauntlet!?! Alright! And besides, it's not like anyone could have beaten my record!

[Back at the Gymnasium]

MN: Alright! Seems we have someone else who beat Black Star's record by 5 seconds...Congratulations Tsubaki!

TN: Thank you...I just hope that Black Star takes it well…

Cap. SB: Don't worry about him...Once he's done being upset, he'll try his hardest to shatter his old record the next time around!

TN: That does sound like him...Okay! He's gonna be fine! Thanks Sid![She walks off]

MN:[To Sid quietly] You wanna tell me why a princess blasted through the Obstacle Course? Does it have to do with...You know…?

Cap. SB: Based on what they told me earlier, yes…

MN: Could we even handle someone like her?

Cap. SB: Maybe not, but Lord Death and Spirit could...They'd have the best chance if things go wrong…

[Meanwhile, Serana was surrounded by her awestruck peers]

Everyone: Wow! You're amazing! Princess, how are you moving that fast?! She said she wants to be called "Serana" . Are you a track and field star back in Romania!?

SB:[Blushing] Well let's just say that I had a very active upbringing…

MA: Active!? You ran an obstacle course that would take most of us 10-15 minutes to get through in less than 4! That's insane!

SE: You're strong enough to beat up Black Star, AND fast enough to smoke him, or chase him…

DA: So...What do we do with the rest of class?

MA: Usually, we're allowed to do pretty much whatever we want in the rec room.

SB: Rec room? You have a rec room?!

SE: Yep!...Full of weights, cardio machines, TVs, foosball table, air hockey, billiards, and just about everything else you'd need…So Draugr, up for a game of pool?

DA: You're asking a guy that can see possible futures to play a game that all depends on how every which way you hit a cue ball?!

SE: Yeah...So, what are my odds?!

DA: Do I look like C-3P0?

SE: Uhh...No…?

DA: Good...Because I don't tell the odds, I make 'em! Let's do this...You break…

SE:[Pool stick in hand] You're going down, future vision…


[2 1/2 rounds later]

DA: 8 ball, center pocket…


[After bouncing around the table, it goes straight into a center pocket]

SE:[Pissed] DAMN IT!

MA: Soul? What is that in your back pocket!?

SE: W-wha!?

[Maka snatched the paper from Soul's pocket]

M-Maka, it's not what you think!


How'd you even get a book in here?!

MA: What are you doing with a picture of my mother!?!

SE: That's not your mom Maka, that's you!

MA: Oh, really?! Then why does it look like a picture of my mother when she was...younger…[She examined the picture more closely and noticed differences from the picture and her memory of her mom's younger photo] Who is this Soul?! Who is this girl!?

SE: It's you, Maka! Three years from now!

MA: Very funny Soul…

SB: Draugr? Did you do another future portrait again!?

DA: Yes...It was the best way to prove that I could see the future…

MA: Wait! He can do that!?...So this is actually me in three years...Damn! I look fine! I think I'll hold on to this...

SE: Hey! That's mine!


MA: My image, my decision…

SB: Why do you keep hitting him with the spine of a textbook?

SE:[On the floor, bleeding from his head] That's the million dollar question…

MA: Oh, this?! You know how Lord Death has his infamous Death Chop? Well, I developed my own version...I call it the Maka Chop!

SE:[Now standing back up. Sarcastic] How original…

MA: Maka Chop!


[Soul once again collapsed down to the floor]

SB: Hmmm...I wonder if I should develop my own chop…

DA: Wait...Serana, Don't-


[Draugr was chopped into the floor, damaging it in the process, where he lied bleeding from his head]

SB: Serana Chop!

SE:[To Draugr] That looked like it hurt…

DA:[Replying] It did...A lot…

Cap. SB:[Approaching] Either of you need to go to the Dispensary?

SE&DA: No...We're good…

[The two Demon Weapons got themselves back up]

Cap SB: Good…'Cause you all have 15 minutes before we dismiss for Pre-DWMA Studies…[He walks out]

SB: Pre-DWMA Studies?! What's that about?

MA: Well, the DWMA is only around 800 years old, founded after the defeat of the first Kishin, but before that, one of the world's largest threats were known as Liches…

SB: Liches?

SE: Necromancers that defied death either through magic or the abuse of other's souls...Supposedly, they still exist...But the practice hasn't been as popular since the DWMA was founded...Rumors are that they were made from humans and witches alike…

SB: I'm guessing warlock too…

MA&SE: What's a warlock?!

SB: Wait! Do I know something that no one else knows?

MN: I've heard of sorcerers, but not warlocks…Sure as hell never met one...

DA: Same difference…

SB: Yep! So there are two subspecies of people. Homo sapiens and homo magis…

MA: Well homo sapiens is the scientific name for humans…

SE: And the other?

SB: People with the inborn ability to use magic...Sorcerers/Sorceress, Witches and Warlocks...Interbreeding between the two was so common that everyone can theoretically use magic, but intrabreeding amongst the homo magis results in what many of you know as witches...Oddly enough, witches outnumber warlocks at a ratio of 5:1, as opposed to most people who have a male/female ratio of about 1:1…

MA: How do you know all of this?

SB: Well...My heritage is from the House of DrăculeÈ™ti, whose founder was in fact the descendant of Dragon witches…

SE: Dragon witches?! That sounds like a bad combination...So are you a witch?

MA&MN: Soul!

SB:[Lying] About as much as all of you…

MA: So aside from being rarer, is there any other differences from a warlock and witch?

SB: Warlocks are more resilient to attacks of all kinds…

TN: So how does that exactly work out? The birth ratios.

DA: A human mother, including Demon Weapons, have an approximate birth rate of 1:1 male/female...But a witch mother has a 5:1 female/male birth rate...That's why their culture is more matriarchal…

Cap SB: Keep up with the lectures and we'll have you two teach your own classes…

SE: So...We're all somewhat witches?

DA: Brother, if you only knew…

Cap SB: Alright everyone! We're moving on to the floor class...See you all then…

Want to learn more about liches and other Pre-Kishin threats?