Soul Eater: The Meister Witch and the Weapon?

The morning after has arrived. After a housewarming party for the ages, Serana and Draugr were about to start their first day at the DWMA as Meister and Weapon.

Bart the Bat:[On top of Draugr] Hey...Wake up!...Class starts in a few hours...You should get ready…

Draugr Askr:[Groaning] Uuugh...Man!...Last night was wild...Haven't felt this beat in a long time...Is Serana up too?

BB: Oh, don't worry about her...She has her own wakeup call…

[In Serana's room]

Vlad & Magnolia Balaur: Rise and shine sleepy head!

Serana Balaur:[Groggy] Uuugh...Five more minutes…

MB: Sweetheart! Today is your first day at the Academy!

VB: And you only have five minutes till classes start!

SB:[Shocked awake] WHAT!?! OH NO! I OVERSLEPT!!!

VB: Just kidding! You have about 2 ½ hours till classes start…

SB:[Complaining] Uuugh! That's too early!...

VB: Well Brendon and the boy's have to head to Rome in an hour and they're waiting to have breakfast, and I thought you'd like to have it with them!

SB: They're not here anymore…

MB: Are you sure about that!? *Whistles*

Panic! At The Disco:[In the distance]
🎀High, high hopes🎀

Brendon Urie:
🎀Had to have high, high hopes for a living
Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing
Didn't have a dime but I always have a vision
Always had high, high hopes🎀
P!ATD: 🎀High, high hopes🎀

SB:[Gasps in shock] Wait for me![Kicking her parents out] Go! Go! Go! I need some privacy!

[The young girl gets ready as fast and as thoroughly as she could. She the then enters the dining room only to see a large radio tuned to a station that specializes in the latest hit song]

[Upset] WHAT!?! I got up early, for this!? Uuugh...Not cool you guys...Not cool…

[Before she approaches the table, Brendon and the rest of Panic! At The Disco popped out from under the table]

Panic! At The Disco: Surprise!

SB:[Shocked] AAAAAH!!! You guys are still here! I can't believe you guys are still here! This is so awesome!

DA:[Entering the room] Who's still here?![He sees Panic! At The Disco] Oh wow! You guys are still here!

BB:[Flying in] Oh, they are?! You guys rocked the house!

P!ATD: Thank you!

Reginald:[Along with other butlers and maids] Your breakfast, princess Serana…
Eggs Benedict made with the finest organic eggs in the world, served with mujdei hollandaise sauce, black forest ham, and english muffins made from scratch...
Traditional belgian waffles with pure canadian maple syrup…
And to quench your thirst, matcha-infused O.J squeezed fresh from blood oranges…
And as always...Your family's recipe bread...Enjoy…

[Reginald and the staff leave the platters in front of Serana, Draugr, Bart, Dracula, Magnolia and the members of Panic! At The Disco]

Brendon Urie: What's mujdei?

VB: Have you ever had aioli before?

[Brendon and the boys nodded yes]

Think of it as a Romania aioli, it's like aioli, but spicy…

P!ATD: Oooh!...

BB: Enough talking! Let's eat!

[After everyone finished eating, Panic! At The Disco played a few songs until they had to leave]

DA: Hey!...You wanna head to the DWMA early?! Maybe we can get a tour of the campus…

SB: Ooo! That sounds like a plan!

[Serana and Draugr went early to the DWMA, but before they could enter, they heard the distant proclamation of an up and coming Assassin-Meister, perched high above on a red spike, by the name of Black 🌟 Star]

Black 🌟 Star: Well, well, well...Didn't expect you two here so early...I guess I should be thanking you for not making me wait...But there's something two fresh faces like yourself should know...It's that I, Black 🌟 Star, am the top Meister in this school, and the #1 Assassin in the world! If two newbies think they can jump straight into E.A.T. like you, it's my duty to prepare you for the harsh reality that is life!

[While this goes on, Serana and Draugr have a conversation]

DA: Do you understand a word that shrimp is blabbering about?!

SB:[Trying to focus on her senses] Not really...The wind up there is making too much white noise…

Soul "Eater" Evans: He basically wants to fight you two...Cough it up, Maka!

Maka Albarn:[Rummaging through her pocketbook] Darn it Black 🌟 Star! Don't you have any standards?![She hands Soul a stack of bills] Sorry about Black 🌟 Star...He's basically a loose cannon with a Napoleon complex...When is Tsubaki gonna hike up her skirt and get him straightened out?!

SE: When pigs fly, Maka...When pigs fly...So...You two are joining us in the E.A.T. classes, huh? If I may be so bold as to say that I'd never in a million years think that royalty would find its way into the DWMA...Let alone a literal princess…


[Maka smacks Soul upside the head]

MA: That's no way to talk to a princess, Soul! I'm sorry, please forgive him! He's about as socially conscious as a farming tool…

SE: And you're about as arrogant as you are flat…

MA:[In his face]What was that, Soul!?!

SE:[In her face] Are those pigtails in the way, or your ego!?

MA: Where's this all coming from?! Is this about that punch I spilled on you last night!?





[After Serana's intervention, Maka and Soul realised that they were arguing over something stupid. They then made up. Other students appeared to stand around observing Black 🌟 Star above]

So...How much longer is he gonna be up there…?

SE: Depends...Could be a minute, could be five…

DA: I beg to differ…

B🌟:[Continuing]...Prepare yourselves! Because you two are fighting me! The one and only, Black Sta-



[Draugr punched Black 🌟 Star square in the face via stretching his arm to reach the Assassin in a quick and swiftly executed surprise attack. The result of which knocked him out cold]

DA:[Retracting his fist] Talk to the hand, Short 🌟 Star…

Everyone: WHOA! The new guy just K.O'd Black 🌟 Star! With just a punch!? Who is this guy?! He got the drop on him…

SE: Damn, man! Who are you!?!

DA: The name's Askr...Draugr Askr…

Tsubaki Nakatsukasa:[Observing Black 🌟 Star] Black 🌟 Star?! You okay?! Black 🌟 Star?

[Black 🌟 Star falls of the spike and starts to fall down below]


Everyone: He's falling! He's gonna die! Can he survive a fall like that?! Not unconscious he can't!

DA:[Under his breath] Great...My first day at the Academy and I've gotten a kid killed before school starts…


[Serana darts off ahead and runs straight up to catch the falling Star, she then parkoured her way down with Black 🌟 Star in arm]

SB:[After landing with Black 🌟 Star in arms, she takes a look at Black 🌟 Star] Ouch! That's gotta sting!

TN:[Now at Black 🌟 Star's side] Is he going to be alright?!

Captain Sid Barrett:[Approaching] Alright, alright...Let's get this over with….Black 🌟 Star?! What happened!?

Mira Naigus: Is he alright?!

DA: Yeah he is...No thanks to me and all thanks to Serana…

Cap. SB: What exactly happened here!?

SE: Black 🌟 Star was mouthing off about himself, demanding to fight the new kids and got slugged in the face before he could finish…

MN: No wonder it was so quiet...What happened next?

MA: Black 🌟 Star slipped off the spike he was on and almost fell to his death until the new girl bolted to rescue him...I-I mean the princess! The princess saved him!

SB: This "princess" has a name ya know…

MA: OH! I'm sorry! Princess Serana saved Black 🌟 Star.

SB:[Under her breath] Can you not…

Cap. Huh!...I knew someone would get hurt...Just didn't expect it to be Black 🌟 Star…

SB: Ya know, we came here early to tour the campus, but now I'm not in the mood…

DA: I second that…

Dr. Medusa:[Just arriving] Oh my...Seems like the battle has gone and went….Come on, Black 🌟 Star...Let's get you to the Dispensary...Mira, would you help me carry him?

MN: Of course…

TN: I'll go with you!

Cap. SB: Oh, no you won't! Black 🌟 Star got himself in this situation, and YOU need to go to class like everyone else, understand!?

TN: Yes sir, Mr. Barrett…

Cap. SB: That goes for everyone!

Everyone: Yes Sid!

[Later on, once essentially everyone was in the classroom]

Cap. SB: Now...As I'm sure you're all aware, we have two new students joining us...A Meister and Weapon respectively...And...As we all know, one of them happens to be from a royal family...And now, I'll allow them to introduce themselves...Who's first?

DA: Ladies first…

SB:[Sarcastic] Oh, how chivalrous of you…[She walks up to the front of class]*Ahem!*...Hi...My name is Serana Balaur. I'm the princess of the constitutional monarchy of Romania...I'm also a Meister in training, and I enrolled in the Death Weapon Meister Academy of Death City to further my education and experience in my pursuits of becoming a Master Meister...So! Any questions?

[Every student raised their hands]

*Sighs*...Figures...You first…

EATS 1: What happened to your dad's arm?!

SB:[Surprised] OH! Well...Didn't really expect a question like that...WELL![Lying] My father was attacked by a crazed insurrector and had his arm lopped off!...That's what officially happened...What actually happened was that he was attacked by a Kishin Egg before I was born...Luckily, he and his Meister guards killed that vile creature before anyone else got hurt…

Everyone: WHOA!...

Cap. SB:(So that's what she's telling them...But I wonder what actually took place…)

SB: You!

EATS 2: Are you rich?!

SB: Uuugh...Yeah...My family is…You!

MA: Why come all the way over here?! I mean, there is a Eastern Europe branch...Why here in Death City?

SB: Good question...In short…[Lying] Paparazzi!...It'd be pretty stressful to be hounded by the press...Plus, I've heard a lot about America...And no one really cares about royalty here!...So I wanted to see it for myself!...You!

SE: So...How should we address you?...Princess Serana? Princess Balaur? Your highness?

SB: So...The elephant in the room...Yeah, I'm not really crazy about the "princess" thing...Just call me Serana and treat me like you'd treat any new student...You!

EATS 3: Do you have any other family of royalty?

SB: Umm...Not really...Other than my dad...OH! I do have a distant cousin!

EATS 4: Really?! Who!?

SB: Queen Elizabeth II!

Everyone:[Shocked] WHAT!?!

TN: Your cousin is the Queen of England!?

SB: Yep! She's really sweet!


SB: Uuuh...Yeah!...I used to spend summertime over with her when I was a little girl…

Everyone: WOAH!

SB: You!

EATS 5: Can you knight me!?

SB: Can I? Yes. Will I? We'll talk about it...You!

EATS 6: Are you single?

SB: That's enough questions for now...Draugr, you're up!

DA: Alright...Hey...My name is Draugr Askr. I'm partners with Serana, I'm a Polearm-weapon, I come from the Scandinavian Region of Bifrost, I met Serana 3 years ago in her Motherland of Mongolia, and I ripped out my own eye to dunk it in an ancient well to gain immense knowledge and the ability to look into the past and possible futures...Any questions?

[No one raised their hands]


Cap. SB: Now that's over, you two can take your seats over there and we'll get started with today's lesson…[Scribbles on the chalkboard] Kishin Egg Taxonomy...No! We're not talking about killing Kishin Eggs and stuffing them, that's Taxidermy...Taxonomy is the naming, defining and classifying of organisms on the basis of shared characteristics...As you could guess, Kishin Eggs Taxonomy is the naming, defining, and classifying of Kishin Egg variations and characteristics...Like taxonomy, there are levels...Level 1, Fiends...Fiends include your criminals, felons, run-of-the-mill killers, rapists, molesters, pedophiles, sociopaths, and the typical scum of the earth...There have been known cases of some returning back from this level and this level only, but we aren't here to become psychiatrists, we're here to stop them...Level 2, Savages...Incorrectly used by bigots to describe people of tribalist practices...What we use to call souls that have passed the point of no return...These miscreants are your serial killers, homicidal maniacs, serial rapists, terrorists of all kinds, arsonists, and members of organised crime...This stage is where they actually start eating souls, but are still indistinguishable from common people and fiends from the naked eye...Level three, Beasts...Once at this level, you can begin to notice drastic physical changes that are inhuman, and lose all reasoning, along with the loss of communicating coherently...Very dangerous...Most law enforcement personnel are not properly equipped or trained to handle such beings...And finally, Level 4, Mythical Beasts...Worst of the worst...Have little to no semblance of humanity...Barely even resemble human, but can have the unholy ability to hide their grotesque appearance form even the most trained of people...Fortunately, it's not common...Can be detected via Soul Perception in close proximity...Extremely dangerous, especially in packs which many types of them do form...As one could guess by the name of the level, they are the nightmare fuel behind most brutal folklore and myths...Types of these vary from region to region, and on what specifics they do to get to their form...Cannibalism is commonplace for these sick bastards...Examples include trolls, goblins, imps, lamias, banshees, berserkers, wendigos, cyclops and so on...Now turn your books over to page 678 and we'll discuss this in detail...Yes Ford?

Ox Ford: So there's no such thing as a level 5 Kishin Egg?!

Cap.[Chuckles] Level 5 is-

SB: Level 5 is a full blown Kishin…

Cap. SB: That's right Serana...And there's only ever been one case of them...And Lord Death personally had to deal with him...But don't worry...There's some additional requirements to becoming a Kishin…

Kilik Rung: Such as!?

Cap. SB: Trust me, you don't want to know…

Hero: Hasn't there been more than one Kishin!?

Cap! SB: No. Just one…

Havar D. Eclair: What about Mussolini? Stalin? Mao Zedong? Hitler? Vlad the Impaler?

OF: Dude![He nods towards Serana]

HE: Oh, I'm sorry!

SB: It's okay...It's just a bloody skeleton in the closet of my family tree…

Cap. SB: Havar! Just because they're dictators and sadists, doesn't mean they are Kishin…

SB: Actually, my dad's[Trying to save it] Great great great great great granduncle was a Christian...Who...Did things that can only be described as sadistic…

MA: Hey, don't worry about it! Everyone has someone from their family that they are embarrassed by...Mine's happens to be my dad…

Cap. SB: Enough family matters, let's get back to the lesson…

10 minutes till class dismissal

[Continuing]...And that's how wendigos are made...Good luck holding down your lunch after hearing about it...Ahhh! It takes me back to my first wendigo...Sliced it's antler off and finished it off with it!...One of the best mementos I've ever got as a student…


[Black 🌟 Star kicks through the classroom door. Looking angry]

B🌟: Alright! That's it! Before, it was just me personally testing out your skills, but now, it's personal! It's time to face the wrath of Black 🌟 Sta-


[Draugr attempted to clock Black 🌟 Star in the face once again, but the Assassin swiftly dodged the blow]

So...You're the one who hit me...And you're the one I'll beat first…*HA!*

Cap. SB: Hey!? What are you doing to my textbook, Black 🌟 Star?!

[Black 🌟 Star teared at, and threw the pages at Draugr in a way that made them like throwing knives, piercing the wooden student's desks like lethal weapons]

Hey! The hell's the matter with you Black 🌟 Star!? That's my teacher's edition! Do you have any idea how much it cost to replace that?!

DA:[After dodging the hardcover projectiles] Hey, Short Star! Cool it with the weaponized paper! You're going to get someone hurt!

B🌟: What the hell did you just call me?!

DA:[Clearly enunciated] Short. Star.

B🌟: That's it! When I'm done with you, you'll be in the Dispensary! *Heyah!*

[Black 🌟 Star jumped straight at Draugr with furious fists, waiting to connect with Draugr's face]

Cap. SB: Damn it Black 🌟 Star! This is a classroom, not an arena!

[Draugr jumps all the way to the front of the class]

DA: Take it easy, man! We're here to fight evil, not each other!

B: Wimping out are you?! Too bad! Once I beat you, the princess is next!

TN: Black 🌟 Star! That's enough! It's one thing to fight against him, but Serana's royalty! There will be consequences!

B: I don't care if she's related to the Queen of England!

Everyone: She is!

B🌟 She is?! You are!?

SB: We're distant cousins…

B🌟: Oh…Nevermind that![Black 🌟 Star grabs Draugr's textbook] Hehehe!

DA: Hey! What are you doing to my textbook!?! I just got it!

[Black 🌟 Star rips up Draugr's textbook and turned the pages into paper throwing stars]

B🌟: Here's MY lesson! Knowledge is power![He then began throwing the stars at Draugr, whom swiftly dodged them]

Cap. SB:[After flipping his desk for cover] Black 🌟 Star! You're in big trouble once this is over!

DA:[With a yardstick ruler in hand to swat some of the paper shurikens back] You here that, Star Dust! This battle is a lose-lose situation for you!

B🌟: Who you calling Star Dust? Ya walking stick!

DA:[Laughs] I guess I know where you can't kill, Assassin...At an open mic!

Everyone: Ooooo!

Fire: You got burned!

B🌟:[Growls] Tsubaki! Are you joining in or what?!

TN: Who?! Me!? Uuuh…

Cap. SB: Tsubaki! If you join in on this fight, I'll make sure Lord Death confiscates all of your KES(Kishin Egg Souls)!

TN: Sorry Black 🌟 Star...Looks like you're on your own…

B🌟: Come on Sid! You're killing me! Fine! More for me-



[Serana sucker punched Black 🌟 Star, and with her inhuman strength, caused Black 🌟 Star to go flying straight into the chalkboard, leaving a cloud of chalk and a blood splatter from the Assassin Meister's nose, mouth, and the back of his head, which was against the chalkboard]






SB: I'm sorry! I thought I was in the fight!...And there was an opening, and I went for it, and now I feel awful!...I just hope he's gonna be alright…


[Black 🌟 Star detached from the wall and fell face first, still knocked out cold]

DA: How hard did you punch him?!

SB: I didn't punch him...Not really...I...just...jabbed at him…

DA: Well then he definitely has a concussion…

OF: Princess! I-I mean, Serana! How can you punch like that!?

SB: Well...I grew up in love with kickboxing and MMA...So my dad had some legends train me ever since I could walk…

DA: Bottom line, this damsel is never in distress with her fists of dragons…

Cap. SB: Tsubaki...Can you take Black 🌟 Star over to the Dispensary?

TN: Yes, Mr. Barrett![She picks up Black 🌟 Star and leaves for the Dispensary]

Cap. SB: Well then...That whole ordeal took about the rest of class...So...Just keep it down for the rest of class and that's that…

With the last moments of class coming to a close, Serana had a difficult choice. Tell her fellow students the truth about her upbringing, or withhold that information.