And All Things Will End

You stand before the quivering mass of the Child. Its arms wave vapidly through the musty air.

Its dreams become your thoughts. You try to keep your sense of identity within them. Your bones collapse in upon themselves, bending at unnatural angles. Fingers begin to push through the skin on your back from the inside.

Options present themselves before you. You must act fast.

You can try to convince this creature to awaken and cease spreading its influence. This can be done by telling it why it, and humans, continue to exist. By giving it purpose, you may save both the Child and humanity. Of course, this is a risky proposition and unlikely to work, for who may argue for the nature of existence? Furthermore, it is but a fetus. A highly developed fetus, but still one nonetheless.

A more straightforward solution arises; you could use your sword to kill this creature. This seems to be simple enough. However, the hide of the Child seems to be tough, and you may not break through before you succumb to its influence.

As you consider your options, another voice presents a solution. The Child seems to be quite hungry, and its food source is nearly depleted. You seem to be of some psychic influence. By offering yourself to the Child, you may nourish it and allow it to strengthen its thoughts and spread them beyond. This will expedite the ending of humanity, and cause all to enter a state of blissful unity and nonexistence. Pain and suffering shall be removed, and all will be joined as one in the void. Consciousness will cease to exist. Yes, this is the best option. The only option.