And All Things Will End

This Accursed darkness.

This Damned darkness.

This FUCKING darkness.

You can move forward. You can retreat. They are the same.

You have been lost for an undeterminable amount of time. Civilizations could have risen and fallen into obscurity, and mountains could have sunk into seas in the time you have been in these caverns. Will the surface even be recognizable when you return? If you return?

You are not returning.

You will remain down here forever.

A quiet hum burns through the cave. It lies just outside your hearing range, but you can taste the sounds on your tongue. It is a metallic taste, one that implies flesh being wrought through iron. A hint of blood runs through it, but that may just be you biting down.

You will reside in darkness for all of your life. The cold ground will be your bed, the cave itself your constant companion. There is a symphony running through you, the same song as before. The tune is more prominent, the chorus is in refrain.

You have 1 choice: