And All Things Will End

You maneuver your sword past Aela, and send the tip of it deep into the monster's bulbous red eye. It pops like a zit, splashing blood and pus onto you and the nearby wall. You force the blade deep, utilizing your weight. The beast releases Aela and wraps a hand around your weapon. It squeezes tightly, and yanks it out with little difficulty. Fecal matter coats the upper half of the blade.

The beast forces you against the wall, slamming you heavily against it while still retaining a grip on your sword. The sharp edges of the cave wall tear through the skin on your back. Immense pain flows through you, but you remain conscious. With your other hand, you retrieve the dagger on your belt and plunge it into the remaining blister on the beast's face.

Blood and vomit spew through these newly formed holes, running down the front of the creaure in rivulets. It moves to wrap its hand around your neck, but you push yourself off the rock. It tries to push back, but the blood pooling underneath its feet causes it to briefly stumble. Its grip on you is released, and you take this opportunity to flee. Aela struggles to her feet, and follows closely behind you.

You run.

For a brief moment you believe you have found respite, but bloodless screams echoing from all directions quickly prove otherwise.

Eyes line the wall of the cave. You poke them out when you rest your hand on it.

You have 1 choice: