* Monkeying Around - The MPP Show * (WIP)

Again and Again

After that nuisance, you decide to start working on your EPIC plan again.

"Welp, I've decided to go for... PLAN P!"

You snicker.

"Heehee, it's stands for Plan POOP!" Monkey Poo Poo says.

Disgusting. Anyways, you come up with the plan idea instead of being lazy.

"Okay, so the plan will be like this.

1. I'll disguise myself as a mailman
2. I'll get inside to deliver the package
3. I'll put a smoke bomb into the package
4. Poop on the floor
5. Run out of the house like SAnik!"

"Yes, yes! What a great plan" you pat yourself on the back.
"Good job, me!"

[Will you do it now?]


Copyright © 2019 Hello Young Squire

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