* Monkeying Around - The MPP Show * (WIP)

Looking and Looking

Looking down, you appear to see a figure of some sort. You dare not say
anything or make a sound.

But you can't really make out who it is...

You look closer...

and closer...

and closer...

and closer....






"EEEKKK!!!!" you screech in horror.

"Haha!" your cousin, Monkey Fart Fart, laughs at you, "Wow! What
a scaredy cat!!!"

"Hey!!! Stop that!" you pout at him.

"LOLz! I saw you up there. You were shaking, terrified!! I even saw the little sweat drops on your
forehead! Your reaction was priceless!!! Ha Ha!!" he mocks you.

You get angry, your veins start popping out of your forehead.

"HOW DARE YOU SCARE ME! THEN YOU MAKE FUN OF ME!?" you scream and shout at him and
his gross face, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!! NOWWW!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Jeez, Monkey Poo Poo! It was just a joke! Calm down..."

"Just. A. Joke!?!? Do you think almost giving me a heart attack is FUNNY TO YOU!?"

"Well no I-"

"JUST GET OUT!!" you scream as you kick his butt out of your hiding place.

You really want a stress reliever. What do you do after that MONSTER almost
giving you a heart attack?


Copyright © 2019 Hello Young Squire