* Monkeying Around - The MPP Show * (WIP)

Big Brain

"I'm going to read a book!" you say.

You go to your.. how old was this bookshelf again??

Well, that doesn't matter. You look for a good book to read.

"Hmm... *COUGH coUGH* Ugh! It's so dusty! OOh! Lookie!"

You stare at an old dusty cobweb... actually, multiple!

"Cool.... wait, what was I looking for again? Oh yeah, a 'bUhk!"

You search in the bookshelf.. but realized, you only had one book!
You take it out, it's filled with dust, dirt, anything you can imagine (yes, even THAT).

"Ah! I love this book!" you say when you actually never ever read it before.

You plop down on your bed and start reading.

"HURrry... Pooptur.... hm, interesting..."

You open the book and.....


Wait, what happened...


You : What? Tell me!!!!

Uhh, I don't think...

You : NOW

Oh my Mikal... okay....

Uh, so, after just even opening the HUGE book....
your.. brain exploded into a million pieces.

Ew, what a mess!

We better just start over from here!

[NOTE : To anyone who likes "Harry Potter" no offense, it's just that Monkey Poo Poo
is kinda dumb :)]


Copyright © 2019 Hello Young Squire
End Of Story