And All Things Will End

You call out, entreating the Others to give you their focus. Their senses fall upon you, and you can feel senseless excited chatter shared between them. You tendrils raise from underneath the blubber, and you capture the full and utter attention of the Others. Enraptured, they follow you as you expand their consciousness. They float upwards for eons, but they reach heaven.

They do not undertsand.

There is nothing.

There is nothing.

There is nothing.




This cannot be, they loudly proclaim to their peers. Internally, however, they whisper otherwise.

The decline is slow, but measurable. Horrific wars break out that shake the fabric of the physical plane, followed by protracted battles that utterly destroy it. They hate you for this new knowledge. Within the millenium you are sacrificed, your body wrought into billions of pieces that are scattered amongst the panets.

Soon, all is lost. The world begins anew, the cycle never ending.

You have 1 choice: