And All Things Will End

The sky is dark, aside from the efforts of a few twinkling stars keeping the black void at bay. Nothing more can be done here.

After some deliberation you collectively decide to set up camp inside the nearby barn, as it affords protection from the elements and it is far too late to travel anywhere. Preparing the camp is a simple procedure, and before long it is situated in the center of the venerable barn. Aela locks the door and, after a moment's consideration, bars it with a sturdy plank of wood. You breifly discuss shifts for nightwatch duty, but it amounts to nothing; your allies both insist that there is nothing living within many leagues from your location. You are forced to agree.

Your bedroll is scratchy and matted, but after some adjusting you manage to fall into a troubled sleep. The embrace of the dream comes swiftly and from underneath.

You have 1 choice: