Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

"When she left she told me she would move back into her father's house in Thurge."

"Was she angry or very hurt?" you ask, sincerely feeling for the woman.

"I guess she was. Though to me she appeared quite calm. But she must have had a lot of time to deal with the pain before she finally confronted me. I do hope she manages. I don't wish her ill, you know." The serious look on his face shows he really means it. And you know he does. Thomas is a good man and the last thing he wanted to do is hurt Margaret. "I just hope she'll be happy again one day and won't hold a grudge..."

A feeling of guilt is bothering you again. You don't want to spoil the atmosphere and quickly change the subject. After all, there are still some other things you'd like to know about.