Just an Ordinary Day in the Life of an Ordinary Girl

Thomas looks up. The surprise on his face changes into concern.
"Are you alright, love? What do you mean you don't remember exactly?"

You suddenly feel a bit silly. Your question must have sounded very weird and actually you feel weird too, but you don't want to worry Thomas. You quickly reassure him by saying, "Oh, nothing to worry, I just have a headache and the day has been kind of a blur to me, with all this excitement too, I guess." You fake a smile and feel kind of guilty about keeping your own worries about your memory from him.

At least Thomas looks relieved, though now his concern focuses on the headache you're supposed to have and he asks, "Well, do you want to change your mind and lie down for a while? Perhaps your headache will have subsided by the time dinner is ready."

You think about it for a moment, then say,...
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