Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


You decided that you don't want to tell anyone anything, just like Tanya said. You are worried that something would happen to you or one of your friends. You remember that you where talking to Andrew before you went into the bathroom. You start to look for him, and spot him talking with John across the hallway. You rush over to him, almost running other high school students over.

You hear him say to Andrew, "I just need the tickets, and then I will ask her."

"Hey," you say out of breath from making a mad dash from the bathroom. "What is up?"

John looks at Andrew, and he gives him an approving nod. "Nothing much. Can I talk to you in private Elizabeth?" John asks.

"Sure," you answer as you let him pull you into a quiet corner.

"I wanted to ask you this at a better time, but time is running out," he takes a deep breath in and then blows it out. "Would you like to be my date to Prom?"

You can't believe it. "YESS!" you answered. Kissing his cheek.

A crackle comes over the loud speaker.

"Boys and girls of Southside High. This is a huge announcement. Prom is next week. We need to come up with a theme for the dance. You guys voted on some themes, and here are the final ones. Warrior, Snow Fairy, Under the Sea, and Night in the Dark. Come to the court yard during first and second lunch to vote. Today only. If you miss during lunch, then come to the front office to vote after school. You only have one chance to vote. We hope to see you at the ballot station!"

"Thanks again. See you soon?" you ask.

"See you soon. Love you," he says as he gives you a kiss.

You forget all about Tanya and her threat to someone. You feel so happy. Then you decide that you are going to tell Lilliana, but the bell rings. What do you do?