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You leave not wanting to bother the girls and Q. The walk home is boring but not long so it doesn't matter. Not training for one day won't be the end of the world, there is plenty of time to learn how to use our powers. Your power is phasing through things like a ghost. You love using the power to scare the crap out of people, especially Fin because she gets really flustered and it's pretty fun. Finally at home you lay down and end up sleeping until the next morning.
When you get to school the next day you are greeted by an angry Fin and May.
"Where were you?!" they shout in unison
You tell them what happened yesterday. They understand and apologize for blowing up.
"Next time just interrupt it's not a big deal," May finishes right before class starts.
Later that day all three of you walk to Q's house but he doesn't seem like he is in a good mood.