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Training was awful, the girls were mad and so was Q. You feel bad but at the same time they know how this works, they shouldn't have been goofing off yesterday. It's not like we have had the same routine for years now. For the first time like ever Q doesn't ramble for too long before we start. So at least the practice was productive? The two hours passed slowly.
After changing out of your training clothes you walk away from the house as you avoid the girls because they still seem upset. At least you don't live too far away and the awkward silence doesn't last too long. Your house pours light out of every window. That means everyone is home which could be good or bad news at this point. You open the door and hear yelling, great everyone being home is bad news.
"Cyrus?" One of your dads asks surprisingly quietly.
"What is up dad?" You ask concerned.
"We need to talk, don't worry about your sisters, it's something small and dumb."
This night was the worst of your life but tomorrow is a new day or whatever.
The nest day at school you see May and Fin who seem to be in a better mood. Good at least some of us are.
"Sorry about the past two days," May offers.
"It's alright, no big deal."
"Why the long face?" Fin asks.

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