Asylum: ~Lost Memories~

You ignore the person, if you can just get out of this damn jacket, everything'll be fine. Or not, you think as the door opens up, and a large intruder thuds into the room. He approaches you and you glance up to him. He's in a nurses outfit, though it's tight on his form, which is chizzled with large imposing muscles.
"Trying to escape are we?" He questions with a scornful smirk. You say nothing. He thwacks you with the back of his hand, right on the back of your head. You roll a bit, but that's pretty much all you can do. The force of his hit causes you to mistakenly bite your already wounded tongue again! You let out a groan of pain, not from his hit, but from the pain in your mouth. You try to answere him now, though it seems your tongue just won't work right anymore. Your words come out slow, and sluggish. No way he can understand you.
"I slon't know wha I...I." Before you finish your slugish sentence he wacks your again, this time with the bottom of his boot. You spit out a tooth along with more blood.
"Shaddup you annoying piece of shit!" He yells kicking you in the side this time. Is he going to beat you to a pulp? Well....yes. He does just this, then leaves your corpse there to rot. Sorry, you got-

End Of Story