Asylum: ~Lost Memories~

You twist and turn and roll all about to get in the right position so that you may gnaw at the jacket. Once positioned you do the only thing left, you chew. At first you pull back, not only does the wound on your tongue sting with a sharp pain, but the taste of the old, yellowed cloth is almost too much to bare. You find yourself hoping the stain on the cloth isn't what it tastes like. Still, you chew, and after what seems like an hour, you manage to bring a small rip in the cloth. Yeah, so your efforts aren't working too well, but it's working little by little non the less, and this gives you slight hope. Though more hope comes quickly, as you hear a voice come over an intercom.
"Hey, you in there, what are you doing!?" There's static in it, so you can't tell if it's male or female. What to do...