Asylum: ~Lost Memories~

"Help! Help me! There's been a mistake!" You yell to them, spitting up a bit more blood.There's silence for a long moment.
"Alright." You hear atlast. "I'm coming in." Then you hear the grinding of the door being gradually dragged open. It sounds as if it's been closed for years. You're too tired to wiggle yourself around to see who the person is, though you DO realize you're loss of blood is alot greater then you first believed, and your energy is dwindling quickly. As the person aproaches to, you black out. Upon awaking, you find yourself in a relatively good sized white room. Or atleast, it seems it used to be white, now the once pearly white floor is dinjy and as yellow as your straight jacket, and the walls, not much different, though with the occasional streaks of dark red. Dried blood? You shake your head, then look around for the person who freed you from your cell. You hear a door open, once more, you do not turn to see who it is, you're too tired. Though they soon walk around you, you glance up at them and see...!
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