The Thief's Tale

A week later, you sneak into the bank at night. Through intricate scheming involving security cameras, a screw driver, and a cat, you managed to unlock the door to the bank without the alarm going off. You step into the cold bank, your thick ski mask trapping your breath. You begin to creep past the waiting room and past a dark hallway. Suddenly, a large shadow darkens the hall. You are dwarfed by a huge vault door with a small keypad in the center. You realize you don't have the combination lock. You know you only have one guess or else the alarm will trigger. Before you can stop yourself, your hand starts moving as if on it's own accord 1 2 3 4 5 you type. IT WORKS! You are slightly shook, but immediately begin to stuff as much money from the vault as you can into your huge ratty backpack. You leave the vault as the door's loud slam echoes through the empty eerie hall. You know it is becoming light outside and that it will be too obvious to exit through the front door, so you decide to try and exit from the back. Suddenly, you meet two doors, side by side.