The Thief's Tale

You open the left door, and you immediately feel the heat radiating off from the laser beams within the room. As your eyes adjust, you realize that the room has lasers bouncing off of the walls. On the other side of the room, you glimpse a lone door. You wonder if the risk is worth it, but then remind yourself that the door might lead to escape. Excited, you step a cautious foot into the room, but as soon as you do, a loud alarm blares and the door behind you slams shut, giving you barely enough time to dodge it.
Your heart beat quickens as your mind scrambles to think of some route of escape. After trying to open the door behind you, you discover that it is locked. As the alarm continues to screech its warning calls, you realize that the only way to escape is through the door on the opposite side of the room.
"It's only a matter of time until the police come, so I better get out of here," you murmur nervously. Quickly, you begin to dodge through the colorful lasers. A few times, a light beam shone on the surface of your skin, making you scream and wince from the fiery, burning pain. You continue to scamper around the lasers, though, mind focused on escaping with your prize, escaping with your potential future.
You have barely reached the door when you throw it open... only to be face to face with three terrifying police officers. And they all have their guns pointed at your head.

You have 1 choice:

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