The Thief's Tale

As you head left, you ask a tour guide where to find the manager.
"He's straight ahead."
As you approach an intimidating man you decide it might be time to switch it up and go with an Australian accent to mix it up and keep your cover.
"Good aye mate!" you cheerfully call.
Turns out, unluckily for you the manager is from Queensland, Australia and immediately sees through your accent.
"What are you doing here?" he demands.
" I .... uh am an Art inspector....? Um, mate," you quickly add for effect.
He demands to see your badge, and you suddenly realize that you didn't think to make a fake badge. Due to utter stupidity, lack of planning, and more than one horrible accent, you are caught, and instead of lying and receiving 10 months of community service you immediately confess and get sentenced to 10 years in jail. WOW soooo slick

You have 1 choice: