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Prison Breakout

This is prison. Prison life is not the life you had intended for your future, but it is what it is.
I mean, "it was only attempted murder, Darrell, it doesn't even matter," you think annoyingly to yourself.
Talking to yourself is practically you're only source of communication. It's either yourself, or your deranged roommate, Freddy. His clean cut, ruby hair with snow white skin had always struck you as intimidating. Freddy was also convicted for the murder of 10 children and 5 adults, all of which were on the same day. Since it is small prison there is no solitary confinement for any of the most despicable criminals. It appears that the entire facility is covered in a blanket of peppery grey. The longer you're with Freddy, the more threatened you feel, because of his psychotic demeanor. You've been in this sickening place for about 2 months now, but you think that this place is easy to escape.
“How hard can it be?” You huff to yourself.
Do you wait 3 weeks to get started on your escape or do you wait 3 months to get your escape plan started?