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Prison Breakout

You’ve decided to create a detailed plan of your escape. Each day you take one piece of paper from the nearby art room, so you’re able to write the plan away from Freddy.
Freddy, has always been your mentally ill roommate. True, he still is a teenager, but he's committed crimes worse than any average adult. His crimson hair often made him easy to spot, and his skin, pale as vampire. He also attends anger management classes every single day of the week.
When Freddy has finally departed for his anger management class, you decide to take out the papers. The guards make their rounds around every hour, so you should be fine!
“Slam!” A sound echos from down the hall.
“I’ll be fine I swear,” his mouth frothing.
“I just need to sleep,” a familiar voice spoke.
You peek through the cell and notice that Freddy is being accompanied by two guards. "As usual," you think as your hazel eyes roll.
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