Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Quome: Infinite

You decided to ignore whatever made the rustle and continue on into the forest. It was probably a squirrel or skunk or whatever else lies in this forest; if not, it's likely something you wouldn't want to meet.

You head on through the forest without incident; no more rustles, nothing jumping out at you, nothing but an endless collection of trees and bushes. In fact, you've been wandering through this forest now for what's seemed like hours; the darkness of the forest is encompassing the light and making it harder to see. You're not so sure if you can find out who called anymore...

Speaking of the devil, you hear a cry of alarm ring through the forest. A voice, shouting "YES! That's it!" That... sounded oddly familiar; not only was it the voice that you heard before, but wsn't that what the voice called before...?

The shout, "YES! That's it!" shouted through the forest; this time, it was much closer than before. You call out for anyone, picking up your pace in the direction you heard the shout. It might as well be a chant, for you hear "YES! That's it!" twice more, each time louder, before you come across a large clearing in the forest.

This clearing looked nearly a hundred feet in diameter, surrounded by forestry- few trees scattered into the middle of the clearing, giving it an oddly superficial look. In the middle of the clearing was a large wooden cabin; it had two floors, large windows showing a brightly lit inside, and a considerably large deck.

Your trot picked up upon seeing the house and, soon after walking up the deck, you notice something that makes you a tad bit nervous; the door was a bright red colour, its doorknob shiny gold. This door looked very similar to the one you entered before you fell into this weird place.

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