Gotham's Story

"Huh. Unorthodox, but I like it!" Wildcat exclaims. Your training begins in a fervor. Wildcat knows little about the staff himself, but he sends you around the world to be trained by the masters. For a time, Wildcat travels with you, to make sure that you have a friendly face wherever you go. But you soon begin to see the stress lining his face. He worries about his city while he is gone, so one day you confront him.
"You can go back," you say. "I'll be fine on my own."
"I can't do that to you kid, how will I know that you're safe?"
You give him a stern look that seems ridiculous on your young face. "I survived long enough on my own, I think I can manage."
Wildcat finally obliges and leaves you on your own. Instead of being intimidating, it becomes freeing. You train more fiercely, more passionately; trying to achieve what no man has before. As you travel around the world, you meet other young men and women with powers and the drive to rid the world of evil. Realizing the benefit of team work that you learned from Wildcat, you gather them together and train as a unit. You call yourselves the Teen Titans.
After several years of training, you return to Star City with the Titans and meet Wildcat's gaping stare.
You place your staff firmly in the ground. The black and blue designs on it match the armored jumpsuit that you now wear. The rest of your team are similarly adorned and have taken names for themselves. Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Raven have even taken to calling you Nightwing. You smile as Wildcat begins to speak.
"Don't worry, Wildcat." you interrupt. "The Teen Titans are here to save the world."
End Of Story