Gotham's Story

You take a deep breath and smell the air of Gotham. It is rank with fear, oppression and corruption.
Yes. It is ripe for the picking.
You look to Talia, your wife, and you are encouraged. You are much different from the scared boy who ran away from home so long ago- stronger, both in body and your mind. As you stand on the rooftop of the once powerful Wayne Industries, you force yourself to remember your parents death and all of the other atrocities that need mending in this city.
"Are you ready, my love?" Talia asks at your side.
Smiling, you reply, "Of course. With you at my side, I am ready for anything."
The two of you descend to street level; Talia in a tight fitting stealth suit, and you in your Bat themed armor. Though you are the new Demon's Head, you still feel more comfortable in the suit, and it helps you to change the image that Ra's al Ghul had made for himself in past centuries.
You both come to the back door of a popular restaurant in the seedier districts of Gotham. Among its usual patrons are the crimelord of Gotham. Cobblepot, Falcone, the Roman, and several others use this builing as a front for planning their organization's criminal activities, and tonight, they are all meeting together at the same time. Each crime lord would be accompanied by at least half a dozen of their most skilled and loyal men.
You flex your muscles. They are way outnumbered.
You kick in the door and walk directly to the table that is seating the crime lords, ignoring the rapidly drawn pistols pointed your way. An older man that you recognize to be Carmine Falcone stands and bellows, "Who the hell do you think you are?!"
"I am Ra's al Ghul," you cooly reply. "But if that is difficult for you to pronounce, you may simply call me, The Bat."
"Give me one good reason for me to let you live."
Your smile is hidden behind the face shield of your helmet. "I have a proposition."
Falcone slumps back into his chair, a bit more relaxed than you expected. "Another mask," he says while shaking his head. "You're just one of those theatric characters that spring up around here. We've made some profitable deals from time to time, so sure; what deal do you want to make?"
"I want all of you to turn yourself into the police with full confessions by tomorrow morning."
A roaring laughter fills the restaurant, but you stand still and calm. A portly gentlemen that you know to be Oswald Cobblepot stands and points accusingly at you between chuckles.
"You and what army?"
You respond, but your voice is barely above a whisper.
"This one."
Dozens of ninjas materialize out of the shadows. They swiftly disable the crime lord's body guards by disarming them, binding them or simply rendering them unconscious. Each one of the criminal bosses is then held in place by one of the League's katanas. Two ninjas then come forward with filming an broadcasting equipment. Once they are set up in front of you, they give you the signal to talk.
"People of Gotham. This broadcast should now be plaing across every active television and radio in the city. I am The Bat. You do not yet know me, but from this point forward, Gotham is under my protection. Behold," You gesture to the room and the camera pans cross the pinned crime lords. "These are the men that have led Gotham's underworld in order to subdue and oppress the innocent of this city. It has taken me mere minutes to apprehend them. Now, observe as a warning what will happen to any future criminal in this city. League of Shadows!" The ninjas all stand at attention. "You know what to do."
In that moment, the ninjas acted so swiftly, the crime lords only had time to flinch.
When they opened their eyes, they saw that each one of them had been handcuffed to the table. Once you allowed the shock to set in, you faced the cameras again and continued.
"Murder is the tool of criminals, and I will not stain myself with it. The police have been notified and will arrive shortly for these criminals. Know that if I should find anyone else that tries to establish a new criminal empire, I will crush it just as swiftly. This city is under my jurisdiction and I do not issue warnings twice." With that, you signalled the camera to be shut off. Before you could go to commend your warriors, Falcone cried out from his seat.
"You'll never get away with this, monster! You'll lose! You'll find out that Gotham rightfully belongs to us!"
Before he can say another word, you dash across the room and place your face a hairsbreadth away from his own.
"No," you growl.
"It's Mine!"
End Of Story