
You shiver and whimper. "No, Dad." you say. The thug shoots your dad. You start to cry. The thug aims at you. "Please, I'm just a kid." you exclaim. The thug smirks. Then, he runs away. You cuddle with their dead bodies. A month later... you walk to the cemetery. You see your dad and mom's graves. But, you back away. Without noticing, you fall into a steep hole. It's a far drop. You land on dirt. "Ow. Holy crap!" you say. A pair of red eyes look at you. It's a bat. Then, millions of bats cover you. You black out. When you wake up, you are in a wooden house. You are sitting on a chair. "Where am I?" you ask. You see an elderly man with a tuxedo and some eyeglasses on. "Who the hell are you?" you ask him. He looks at you. "Oh, you're awake." he says. You are confused. "I found you in a deep hole." he explains. "Oh." you whisper.

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