The Door

Bradley understands that he must face his fear if he is to get to The Door.

He can feel the unmistakable wind off the wings of something flying above his head.

He feels himself begin to quiver as he opens his mouth to speak.

"Why are you blocking my way?" asks Bradley.

The creature stands there for a moment glaring at him, then lets out a low, crackly laugh.

"You do not recognize me, Bradley?" it asks. "How could you forget the father who sired you, huh? Go ahead Bradley, continue your quest for The Door, but be wary for there are many here who would welcome a chance to rip your evil heart out!"

It was unlikely that Bradley would ever forget his father. As he fought the overwhelming urge to roll up into a protective huddle the memory of his father had come flooding back. His father had been oblivious to his children when sober, but when drunk he gave Bradley plenty of notice. Usually with a furious attack of swift stinging whacks across his bare back and shoulders with his belt or with any electrical cord that was in reach. The injuries were enough to keep him off school for days at a time and were never treated with any sort of ointment. As a result Bradley's back and shoulders were a welter of old, knotted scars.

With that the creature fades back into the darkness, leaving Bradley a shivering wreck.