Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


Digging your heels into the donkey, it picks up speed and you catch up to your daughter.

"Hey Papa, are we racing?" Vel smiles brightly with her big emerald eyes.

"Donkey's aren't really made for racing Vel."

"You can race with anything papa!" She laughs

"Well that's not true. There are plenty of things that can't race." You tell her with a grin.

"Like what?"

"Hmm...well you can't race rocks!"

"Of course you can Papa! See who can throw them the farthest!" She giggles.

"Well that wouldn't be a great idea since Slobbers would eat whatever we threw."

I'm gonna have my hands full with this one. So competitive.

You and your daughter reach the town first as residents come out to great you. They are garbed in animal skins and the structures of the town seem a bit crude and simplistic but definitely livable. They direct you to the center of town where an ornately dressed man comes out to greet you.

"Welcome to our town greenhorn! I am Talt of the Golden Claw tribe."

So far so good. This Golden Claw tribe seems friendly.