The Island of Destiny

He clutches his chest in pain as he drops the knife. You charge into him and punch him again in the gut. He chokes on his spittle and cowers down in front of you. You knee him even further down, then kick him as hard as you can. He tries to scramble onto his position on the cliff edge, but he does not have the strength to go against you and he falls over the edge. You hear him give a bloodcurdling scream as he meets his end on the ocean surface.

You stand there, glancing briefly at the crude knife. How pathetic, you think. I wonder how someone like that comes to be here?

"It is a mystery that has plagued many a man," says a smooth voice behind you.

You jolt around and are surprised to see nobody there but the dark cave before you.

"Who's there?" you call out.

A voice in your ear answers "Right next to you."

You turn your head and still come face to face with air. "Who are you?" you call out.

"I'm you," is the chilling answer you receive.

"What are you talking about?" you ask nervously.

"I am you. Think of me as your second voice."

"What do you want?"

You do not receive an answer. You stand around stupidly for several moments. Then- "Go deeper into the cave." It is a direct order from this faceless voice.

You feel you do not even have a choice in the matter. You tread deeper into the cave and after several minutes of walking, past the scrawled writing, you come to the end of the cave. There you see several skeletons lined up against the wall. They are all in a sitting position.

"What is this?" you ask aloud.

"These are the other ones who came here," the voice explains. "They discovered these cliffs, they met me, and they eventually died completely insane."

"" you stammer.

The voice chuckles. "Yes, me. I am with you forever. I will tell you truths and lies every day, things you never dreamed about this world. I will drive you mad, yes. But ah, it will be fun to get to know you."

You scream.


A girl, judging by her looks only sixteen or so, climbs down a vine rope and steps outside the front of a cave leading into the cliff face. She takes a deep breath and ventures in. She has some light to aid her from a flashlight she has in her hand.

You sit there, towards the back wall, always close to your sitting friends, gnawing on a rat carcass that you caught earlier. You see the bright light from far away and immediately recoil. A moment later the light is shining on you and you shriek in horror.

"Oh my God!" the girl screams. "Who are you?!"

You do not answer her right away. You do not even remember what they used to call you. Your best friend, Mahni, told you your name was a false label. He also taught you many other things, some of which you wonder if they were ever true. It's been years since you have heard from him. You miss your only friend.

You look up at the girl, look at her terrified young face. You know she must have seen the warning that was carved about you on the cave wall. You begin to laugh and as you laugh you cannot stop, and your laughter grows louder, and it turns into a maniacal wail.

Your turn is over. The new girl is here.
End Of Story