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His Little Secret

Before you can even reply, Scott talks again. "Do you want to go see a movie some time?" He is fidgeting with the zipper on his hoodie, and you can see a red flush starting to appear on his face. He is looking at you with a shy smile on his face and admiration in his eyes.

You don't know how to reply. You realize you should have seen the signs earlier. Scott likes you, and he wants to go out with you. You're not sure how to feel about that. You know you can't say yes. You're with Brody. Not publicly, but even so it doesn't matter. It would be cheating, in a way. And you're not the type of person to cheat on a boyfriend. You're loyal to Brody, even if he is not completely loyal to you. Although, would it really hurt to just let Scott take you out?

"Well, I don't know..." You reply. His face falls, and you feel really bad. It's time for you to let him down gently, or to agree to a date. "Can I have some time to think about it?" You're being indecisive. It's not fair to Scott or to Brody, but then Brody is not always fair to you.

"Oh..." He rubs the back of his neck and seems thoughtful. "Alright, yeah. I guess that would be ok..." He smiles again. "I actually thought you were just gonna say no, so this is good" You gave him hope, but was it false hope? Perhaps you should have just shot him down. But you can't help imagining what a date with Scott would be like as you return his smile. And at that moment you decide. You do want a date with Scott, but you won't tell him just yet.