His Little Secret

"I've gotta go check some books out but I'll see you around..." Scott gives you a hug before he leaves. It feels nice, and he smells just as good as Brody does, although they have different scents. You know Brody's scent, but you haven't had enough time to pin down what Scott's scent comprises. And then it hits you. You're actually taking the time to compare their scents. What are you doing? It's not right, but yet after everything Brody has put you through maybe you should be a little selfish. If Brody were in your position, he would probably do the same thing. Besides, one date was nothing major, was it?

"Look who it is. Of course you'd be here. Well, it's not like you have anything better to do..." It's Stacy. She smiles at you coldly. You always try your best to avoid her. She hates you, and you cannot understand why. Sometimes you wonder if she knows about you and Brody, but she seems too self absorbed for that. Stacy waves at someone and you look around, seeing Brody coming towards your table. He seems uncomfortable as Stacy goes over to him and grabs hold of his t-shirt, pulling him closer so she can kiss him. Stacy has her eyes closed, but Brody is looking straight at you. You can't bear to watch them kissing so you look away, waiting until Stacy has detached herself from your boyfriend. Although is Brody really your boyfriend? You can count on one hand the number of times you have had real dates with him, all in places where it was unlikely anyone who knew you or him would be. And he is seeing someone else. It was only casual, sure that was what he told you but you sometimes thought it might be the other way around. That he was serious about Stacy and he was just having fun with you.Besides, you had never thought you would end up being his secret, that you would have to share the guy the loved. It was crazy.Perhaps it was jealousy that had driven you to accept Scott's offer of a date.
End Of Story