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His Little Secret

He has hurt you more times than you can count. You're so tired of him letting you down.Normally you would just let it slide but today something snaps inside and you get some courage. So you look him straight in the eye and glare at him fiercely. "Just get lost. I don't want to talk to you after what you did to me!"

He seems taken aback. "Whoa. Take it easy" He looks around, checking to see if anyone else is around. The hallway is practically empty. So he takes hold of your hands. "I'm sorry. I was a jerk, I know. But, you're gonna forgive me...right?" He stares at you wide eyed, and you feel your resolve to end the relationship crumbling away. Then he leans closer, and whispers into your ear. He wants you to meet him later, for a study session at the library.