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His Little Secret

You tilt your head to the side, considering what he said. He did hurt you, but it was hard to be mad at him when he did apologize.Glancing down at your hands interwined with his gave you a warm feeling, which only intensifies when he brings one of your hands up to his mouth and drops a light kiss on the back of your hand. You agree to meet him at the library.

You get to the library a little early and settle down in a quiet corner, waiting for Brody to show up. You get your books out of your backpack, as well as a notebook and a pen.


You look up when you hear your name being called, expecting to see Brody standing there but instead you see Scott. He's in a few of your classes, and whenever he sees you he always smiles at you, and you smile back. You exchange hellos every once in a while, but the conversation never goes any further than that. He always seems to be in a rush to get away.
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