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The Prophet

Accepting your fate at the hands of the sailors you agree to be thrown overboard after you gather your supplies and staff. Upon returning to the deck of the ship, the giant crab beast is lumbering mere yards away from the schooner. The men are all terrified, anxious to throw you off believing this course of action to be their only salvation.

Waving them off you decide to cast yourself into the sea. Leaping overboard you plunge into the raging waves. Nearly seconds after you jumped the rain ceases and the crab monster retreats under the waves. Clearly the sailors were correct in their assumption.The ship becomes distant as you attempt to remain afloat.

Feeling ground beneath you, a realization that the crab creature is now underneath your feet puts you into a fit of panic. The crab begins to move forward and you now begin to slide across its large black shell. Perhaps this creature is a messenger of Alru? He means to take me to my destination

Firmly planting the staff of Alru upon the shell you call upon your lord for the staff to become fixed upon the beast. To your astonishment, the staff stiffens. A firm fixture you hold onto the staff as the crab flows through the sea at break neck speeds, pieces of coral and fish whipping up into your face from time to time. I'm going to reek of cod after this

After an annoyingly long trip the crab reaches the coastline outside the city of
Nessal. You will the staff to become unhinged and you head towards the city on foot, sopping wet.