Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


"That sounds lovely, King Emmett."

"Wonderful," he says as he offers you his elbow with a small smile. "And I must insist you call me Emmett."

"Call me Kathleen, then." You return his smile, placing your hand on the crook of his elbow.


"So what do you think of Here with the Breeze so far?" Emmett asks before enjoying a bite of his hard-boiled egg. The dining hall is absolutely massive, but you and Emmett share two adjacent seats near the center of the dining table.

"I like it," you answer as you enjoy your own breakfast. "Ashton and Violet make a great couple."

"Have you reached the part where Ashton tells Violet-"

"Don't spoil it for me!" you interrupt with a grin. "I'm only a few chapters into it."

"My apologies," Emmett says, returning your smile. "Let's see... have you read Ideas and Ideals? That's another classic romance novel."

"With Mr. Debney and Ellen? That's one of my favorites!" You smile with genuine pleasure. There aren't many people to talk to, living in a castle by yourself, and the few people you do speak to aren't interested in reading. "I'm surprised you've read it."

"My cousin lived me with me for sometime when we were younger," he explains. "She's the one who got me interested in reading."

"I see," you say. "I'm glad I have someone to share my interests with. Have you heard of the Eleven Brides series?" He shakes his head. "Oh, I have them upstairs. You'll have to borrow them sometime.

"You see," you begin, you're breakfast completely ignored. "There are eleven brothers who live in the desert together, and they all fall in love with women with flower names..."

Emmett smiles and listens to your entire explanation of the series, promising to read them when he finds the time.

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