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The Pirates Gold

Loose Ends

There are 18 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
24500 Change tactics and head right for the oncoming ship. 11273
24511 Head full pace ahead toward the ship 11277
24530 Head for the harbor. 11287
24531 Circle around to the other side of the island, just in case. 11287
24590 Escort Emily to the dining quarters and satisfy your hunger while enjoying her company. 11308
24591 FIRE! 11309
24654 "Fire the cannon!" 11347
24655 "Stand by to tack the ship!" 11347
24660 Jump in to search for Dirty Dandy and hopefully fnd another way to the ship once the time comes. 11350
24838 They pull themselves back into the boat 11479
29857 Turn the ship about and head back? 14044
29858 Or head gallantly towards the oncoming ships? 14044
38736 stay were they are and wait for help 18387
48042 Dirty Dandy swims towards the whale 23243
48043 Dirty Dandy pushes the Cap'n towards the whale 23243
48044 Dirty Dandy swims in the opposite direction 23243
50637 Continue with a few empty crew positions 24752
50638 Plunder the village in search of hostages 24752