Night of the Dead

Loose Ends

There are 19 loose ends in this story.

Choice ID Choice Room ID
147248 Awaken... 74645
147253 Heck no!? It's probrably the nurse....and why'd you barr the door?! 74647
147254 Think it's a dream and smile idiotically at him, "Sure, thing, mushrroom man!" 74647
147310 Laugh manically, what a crazy dream! 74673
147311 Start to nervously probe your head for bugs. 74673
147312 Stare blankly and then faint 74673
147315 Kapeesh, I understand. 74675
147317 Run! 74676
147318 Freeze with fear. 74676
147321 Give him a nice uppercut 74677
147322 Shoot at zombies heads, get them away! 74678
147323 Abandon Mr. Hunter last minute, and run! 74678
147326 Go back to the room and see if he lives. 74681
147327 Stay and wait a bit longer. 74681
147330 You scoot closer and lean in for a kiss...she won't know.... 74683
147331 You tentavively wrap your arm around her.... 74683
147335 Pretend you didn't see anything and face the other way. 74686
147337 Turn away! 74687
147338 ...Squish? Just one little one... 74687